Our Principles/Philosophy of Care
T AND I PROFESSIONAL SERVICES work to achieve the following National Care Standards:
- Standard 1: I experience high quality care and support that is right for me
- Standard 2: I am at the heart of decision making about my care and support
- Standard 3: I am confident in the people who support and care for me
- Standard 4: I am confident in the organisation proving my care and support
About our service
Our clients and Service Users in their own homes have the right to expect:
- To be encouraged to be as independent as possible, to be allowed to take risks and to live a lifestyle which is, as far as possible, geared to their personal choice and preference.
- To be treated as an individual, to make their own decisions on matters which affect them, and to participate as fully as possible in drawing up a Care plan (with the assistance of friends, family or representatives as required), reviewing it and agreeing any modifications.
- To have their values, beliefs and chosen lifestyle respected at all times and for their thoughts, opinions and attitudes to be respected, considered and to be listened to.
- To have the right to say who will and who will not care for them within the boundaries of the Company’s Equal Opportunities Policy. To be empowered in the decision about the gender of the Care Worker. T and I Professional Services will not insist on our clients and their Service Users having a Care Worker with whom they are unhappy.
- Not to be discriminated against for any reason, e.g. age, race, sex, colour, religion, disability, political opinion, sexual orientation, gender, and reassignment status, physical and financial circumstances.
- To have privacy in relation to their personal affairs and belongings, and confidentiality in respect of the care that they require, their personal circumstances, financial, domestic or family matters etc.
About Our Staff:
Our clients and Service Users in the care homes have the right to expect:
- To have care provided in accordance with the agreed Care Plan by Care Workers whose education, experience, training and attitudes make them suitable for such a role and who will provide care in a friendly, appropriate and respectful manner.
- To receive care from Care Workers who have been personally interviewed by appropriately trained staff, and who have fulfilled T and I Professional Services recruitment and selection criteria.
- To receive care from Care Workers that matches their requirements in terms of skills, experience, personality, cultural and religious needs.
- That Care Workers will arrive at the assignment at the agreed time. If due to exceptional circumstances, the Care Worker is late or unable to make the assignment, T and I representatives will make every effort to inform our client in good time, to afford them to sort a suitable replacement.
- That Care Workers will be dressed appropriately for the work they are to perform and in accordance with the Company’s dress code. Unless this is contrary to the service users wishes.
- That every Care Worker will wear an identification badge unless this is contrary to the Service user’s wishes.
- That Care Workers will be covered by appropriate insurance.
- That Care Workers will understand the need to promote the Service User’s privacy, dignity, independence, choice and culture at all times.